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Project & Contacts

The full name of the project is Web‐enabled Construction Lifecycle DRUMBEAT. It is extending the earlier DRUM-project where the applicability of Web of Data technologies were identified for sharing BIM information at granular level in AEC/FM domains. Mainly the same partners were also involved in the earlier project. The main goal in Drumbeat is to create a proof-of-concept for Web of Data based methods and software in selected use cases in these domains. Detailed Drumbeat objectives and work packages are presented in the project introduction slides.

Drumbeat is organized as set of collaborative research and development projects funded by Tekes (Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation) and participating companies and research organizations. Total budget of the projects is 6,8 million euros and project has started in 2014 end will end in 2017.

Partners of the Drumbeat subprojects are: (with contact persons in parentheses)
 ▪  Trimble Solutions Oy (Jukka Suomi, Project leader, jukka.suomi@trimble.com)
 ▪  Aalto University (Seppo Törmä, seppo.torma@visualynk.com)
 ▪  VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (Markku Kiviniemi, markku.kiviniemi@vtt.fi)
 ▪  Solibri Inc. (Heikki Kulusjärvi)
 ▪  Granlund Oy (Tuomas Laine)
 ▪  Progman Oy (Pauli Keinonen)
 ▪  Skanska Oy (Sara Troberg)
 ▪  Parma Oy (Juha Rämö)
 ▪  A-Insinöörit Oy (Arto Möttönen)